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Lamudi listings are from only trusted Agents/Brokers/Developers/Landlords/Websites/Apps, all in one place.
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Property Agent 175
property agent 175
Gitta propertied ltd
gitta propertied ltd
Vaniland Property Consultants
vaniland property consultants
Prime investment
prime investment
Saamia Property Agency
saamia property agency
Kololo Property Dealers
kololo property dealers
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Wemac Property ltd
wemac property ltd
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sure property agency
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js properties
Rest Assured Property Investments
rest assured property investments
FS Properties
fs properties
Fountain Real Properties
fountain real properties
Sumatra CC
sumatra cc
Transparent property consultants
transparent property consultants
Alpha Homes Uganda
alpha homes uganda
Real Estate Database
real estate database
Renewills Real Estates
renewills real estates
Reale VR
reale vr
Credo Management
credo management
Delta Real Estates
delta real estates
Jjemba realtors
jjemba realtors
Whiteknights Consultants
whiteknights consultants
Nationwide Properties
nationwide properties
Realtor Uganda
realtor uganda


There are several real estate websites that are already linked to, once your real estate website gets linked to Lamudi then we shall upgrade it so as to offer you all/same of the following features:

Property Search:
We will provide your website with the most apprpriete property search engine that will give it the ability to always return results from a specified location or a specified price range, the search criteria can be customized to your specifications.

Property codes
Each of your properties will be automatically assigned a property code, so that buyers/visitors who return to your website can identify or enter the codes they saw earlier in order to quickly get the exact house/land that they liked.

Unlimited Images
We now allow an unlimited number of photos for each listing, for you, this is a great advantage, since your competition in the market typically provides only 25 or so images for their base service. We encourage you to provide more the 10 images for each listing depending on the size and value of the property.

Watermarks on images
It has become very common for lazy agents to steal photos of other agents from the internet and use them on their own websites. However, we have come up with ways to use automatic watermarks in order to guarantee the intellectual property of the images on agent's listings.

Property details:
Your website will display several property details including the following; Property Code, Location, Number of bedrooms, Price, Agent, Levels, property type, Description Amenities and all contact details plus unlimited images.

The website will also be able to display several property status as follows: New, Reduced, On Offer, Hot Deal, Short Let, Furnished, Foreclosure, Comming soon, Back on market, etc.

Send to a friend:
This helps a visitor to quickly share the property with is friend or husband or wife and thus a quicker decision can be taken as opposed to waiting for all of them to search for the same property.

Request a viewing:
This will enable the buyer to instantly request and schedule a tour of the property while he/she is on the page of the same property, i.e, each property must have an enquiry form.

Currency converter:
This enables the buyer to view the properties in a currency of his/her choice, available currencies include: Dollars, Euros, Shillings and Pounds and any other currencies of choice.

Google map showing the location of a property:
Entering Google coordinates while uploading a property will help to show the exact location of a property otherwise the system will automatically show who the bird’s eye view or the approximate area in which the property is located, this helps to give the buyer an idea about the location of the property.

Related properties:
While viewing the details of a specific property a potential buyer is also shown other properties in the same location or properties within the same price range or properties of the same type, this helps to increase the probability for the buyer to choose from related options when provided with a wider collection.

Boost your property:
Boosting your property will give it prominence, boosted properties appear higher in the search results, so there's a better chance that a potential buyer will see them, to be precise a boosted post is a post from your listing that can be made to appear higher up in the search results at a fee.

Social Media integration (Share/Like/Send):
We shall integrate social media in your real estate website and this will help you or your visitors to: Share, Send and Like each property or to Follow your page. The integration will also enable you to automatically list your properties within Facebook.

Website linkage with XML (IDX) Feeds:
Your website will be linked to more than 10 property listing portals including: Real Estate Database (RED), Realtor Ug, Kupatana, AfriBaba, Facebook, Property Map and several others, The XML linkage means that you will upload your properties to your website and they will be distributed to all other portals automatically.

This XML feed will save a lot of your time and it will also ensure the timely distribution of your properties to a wider audience, i.e. the data on your website will also be consistent with the data on all other listing websites/platforms.

Our guarantee is that we shall be able to do this linkage within one week like we have already done for all the other agents who are members of the Real Estate Database (RED).

Self-update control panel
Our easy to use control panel enables you to manage your own real estate website and make changes on your pages instantly. Use your website control panel to easily manage content, listings, menu items, leads and more.

Mortgage calculator
If your clients are interested in a mortgage, we provide them with a mortgage calculator which makes it easy to get an overview/estimate of their mortgage projections.

Property statistics
The RED  account will provide you with real time (live) statistics and graphs regarding the performance of your properties, this will help you to allocate resources and efforts optimally, such statistics may include: Total active properties, number of properties in the major categories, total number of properties uploaded per month, properties visited on a specific day, most visited properties, least visited properties, most visited locations/areas and may other reports that you may need or propose.
A chat room helps you to connect with your customers, it gives you online brand a voice so that you can engage your customers and create meaningful relationships by talking to them over a live chat, this increases the chances of high value sales and helps you to reach out to customers who need help in order to make a choice and create a unique experience for each of your customers.

The most important point though is that a live chat is the easiest and fastest way for the customer to contact you whenever there is a problem or whenever they need more information.

Mobile friendly websites
We design mobile friendly websites, which means that your website’s information (images, texts, videos, links) is easily and readily accessible across all different platforms or devices and, most particularly, on the much smaller screen of smartphones and tablets. At a more complex level, mobile friendly means utilizing to the utmost all the incredible capabilities of mobile devices to deliver an effective, satisfying experience to users on the go.

Android App
You will also get an Android App that your clients can install on their mobile phones directly from the Google play store, once they do that then they no longer have to remember your domain name, all they need to do is to tap your app icon on their screens in order to get access to all your properties. this app comes at an extra cost though.

Property Alerts
Your potential clients can subscribe for property alerts based on thier budgets; so that whenever you upload a new property to your website then such clients will get an email alert that you have uploaded a new property within their budget.

Generate fliers
You can easily generate fliers directly from your own real estate website, feel free to print and put the fliers on your notice board and show room window, or at all malls and other public places/boards, or save and send the fliers to your clients as attachments.

Multi agent account
Your website will be designed in such a way that each agent has his/her account (complete with contact details plus username and password), hence you can feel free to add as many agents as possible, so that each of them can upload their own properties.

Latest listings
A latest listing section will be created in order to display all the new listings of the current month, tha page will be used to showcase properties that have just been added to the Real Estate Listings. This page is intended to help ease the process of finding that perfect dream property from those that have just hit the market.

Support / Training
We understand how important it is that you get the support you need, when you need it. Our average response time is 1-2 hours during normal business hours Monday-Friday.

If you need a real estate website that is linked to, then grab your phone right now and call Julius Czar on +256705162000, or click the following link to send a WhatApp message

All major roads

Although you might assume that most people would want to avoid buying a property on a main road, the ....
All property amenities

An amenity is a feature of a property that makes it more valuable to potential buyers or tenants. T ....
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Our goal is to be able to list properties in all possible districts so that everyone around Uganda i ....
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Through several years of service and experience, has offered unique and reliable proper ....
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We have a variety of property types that incude the following: Bungalow Semi Detached Apartment ....
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It is the real estate agents' mantra: Location, location, location. You've certainly heard the ....
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Real estate agents on this website are top-rated local experts within their respective areas of oper ....
All property listings

We have all the finest listings with in Uganda currently for sale or for rent.   In order to ....
All realestate events

We have a database of real estate contacts for the people and companies that you will need to attend ....
All realestate players

We provide a common platform for all real estate actors to advertise properties (and services) that ....


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